We are one of the most experienced social security law firms in the country arising from our longtime work with some of the top local pension funds.
Our experience includes day to day advise in the legal related operations of our clients, as well as their representation in a wide array of civil and administrative litigation.
La práctica de propiedad industrial va más allá de registros de signos distintivos pues contamos con gran experiencia en el manejo de disputas vinculadas a la propiedad industrial.
Hemos asumido la representación legal en casos que constituyen puntos de referencia obligada en materia de propiedad industrial y donde hemos alcanzado importantes logros en representación de nuestros clientes.
Nuestra firma ha sido parte de diversos procesos que involucran la vulneración de la normativa de competencia, tanto en representación de demandantes como de demandados.
Fuimos parte del primer proceso sancionatorio iniciado y conocido por la Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia por la realización de prácticas de abuso de posición dominante.
Frecuentemente nuestro Socio Gerente, Enmanuel Montás, es invitado para proveer módulos de entrenamiento legal en esta materia y de Derecho del Consumo, incluyendo a miembros del Poder Judicial a través de la Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura.
Hemos representado exitosamente a diversos clientes respecto de reclamaciones realizadas por consumidores. Asimismo, hemos asumido la defensa de clientes en conexión con hechos que vulneran la normativa de protección del consumidor en conjunto con otras normas.
Frecuentemente nuestro Socio Gerente, Enmanuel Montás, es invitado para proveer módulos de entrenamiento legal en esta materia y de Derecho de la Competencia, incluyendo a miembros del Poder Judicial a través de la Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura.
Contamos con una amplia experiencia en material laboral que incluye auditorías, cálculo de contingencias, elaboración de contratos y representación en litigios laborales vinculados tanto a personal ejecutivo como personal base.
Nos involucramos ampliamente con nuestros clientes a los fines de proveerles la debida documentación que les permita cumplir con la normativa legal y aumentar sus posibilidades de éxito en caso de interponerse acciones legales.
A través de FIDUCIAMS, empresa vinculada a MS, estamos autorizados a prestar servicios de gestión fiduciaria por lo que hemos desarrollado experiencia en la gestión de fideicomisos. Asimismo, hemos sido apoderados para representar a otras entidades fiduciarias respecto de reclamaciones iniciadas en su contra.
Nuestro Socio Gerente, Enmanuel Montás, está acreditado por STEP, la principal entidad internacional en la gestión de fideicomisos y planificación patrimonial.
En MS asesoramos en la optimización de sus estructuras fiscales de conformidad con la normativa legal vigente, así como también proveyendo asesoría en cuanto al impacto fiscal de transacciones que involucran a nuestros clientes.
Nuestra experiencia abarca además la representación de múltiples clientes en sus gestiones de reclamación ante la Administración Tributaria, así como también ante los tribunales competentes, incluyendo procesos que por su trascendencia son de referencia obligada en la materia.
Our core work within this practice focuses on unfair competition litigation in connection to trademarks and commercial names where we have achieved extraordinary results in landmark cases.
At MS we handle conflicts from a strategic standpoint understanding the implications of the decisions we may take to the client and to our reputation. Our track record includes arbitration processes, complex negotiations, derivative suits, commercial litigation and white-collar cases, among others.
We are frequently retained in connection with consumer related claims to represent manufacturers and constructors. Our experience includes litigation and the mediation process before competent authority.
Our Managing Partner, Enmanuel Montás, is a regular speaker on Antitrust and Consumer Law within the continued legal education program for Judges at the National Judiciary School (Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura).
As a firm, we decided to focus our work almost exclusively on a corporate clientele that we support on the full spectrum of their projects. Our experience includes asset and stock acquisitions, corporate governance and local and international contracts.
We have also been heavily involved setting up collaterals to minimize the commercial risks arising from their partnerships and operations
In order to provide top legal business advise it is mandatory to develop a sound labor law practice. At MS we have helped our clients in a wide array of services including auditing, labor contingency assessments, drafting of contracts, and labor litigation in connection to senior officers and general staff.
We get involved with our clients in order to properly document the evidence that may be used in case litigation arises in the future and therefore minimizing the risks of eventual claims.
MS has been regularly retained by insurance companies in connection to claims initiated against its clients. Our experience in this industry includes contractual claims, energy, pension funds, port management, among others.
Trough FIDUCIAMS, a MS related entity, we are authorized to provide trust services (creation and management of trusts). We have also provided legal representation to trust entities and beneficiaries in connection to contractual claims.
Our Managing Partner, Enmanuel Montás, is certified by STEP, the worldwide leader entity in international trust management and estate planning.
We advise our clients with the optimization of their tax structures pursuant to applicable law. We are also retained to assist our clients in the process of understanding and improving the tax implications of their transactions.
Our team has a vast experience representing a wide variety of clients in their claims against the tax administration (administrative claims and appeals). Most notably, we have been retained to represent clients before the corresponding Court, including some of the most relevant tax claims initiated by the tax administration.
Our clientele is, to a great extent, composed of multinational corporations operating in several industries. The services provided to them range from setting up their operations to payroll management and include negotiation, drafting of commercial contracts, labor planning and litigation.
Enmanuel Montás, our Managing Partner, is an Adjunct Professor on Foreign Investment at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, the country´s leading university, and is the author of Distancia a Frontera, the only book ever published in the Dominican Republic on this topic.